
In 1596 (Keicho 1), founded in Kanda Kamakura Gashi.
Tokyo’s oldest liqueur store (now Toshimaya Honten Co., Ltd.).
It is also regarded as the “originator of the izakaya”
for serving sake and snacks that go well with sake.
The innovative sales methods of the company were well received,
and by the mid-Edo period, it was named one of the “Ten Greatest Merchants of Edo”
and even played a role in adjusting the price of rice during the Kyoho Reforms.
It is also considered to be the originator of “Shirozake” (white sake),
which is drunk on Hina Matsuri (Girls’ Day).
In the early Showa Period, the company established the “Toshimaya Shuzo Co., Ltd.”
in Higashimurayama and began brewing authentic sake.


Thoughts on Sake Brewing

Toshimaya Shuzo is Tokyo’s only mirin brewery and one of the few sake breweries in Tokyo.
Our signature’s sake is “Yamori” or “Kinkon”.
It is well known by many people as a local sake of Edo and Tokyo.
“Rita,” a limited-edition sake rooted in Kanda,
the birthplace of the company, has also been very well received.
By brewing sake, the brewers hope to help create a society
in which everyone can live joyfully and happily by creating connections
between people through the good qualities of sake.
We hope that not only those who love sake,
but also those who have never been interested in sake will discover the goodness of sake,
enjoy the taste of sake and sake culture,
and know about the wonderful Japanese food culture and brewing culture.


Company Overview

Company Name|Kanda Toshimaya Co., Ltd.

Location|1-3-1 Uchikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0047, Japan

Phone Number|+81-3-5283-1871

Date of Incorporation|October 17, 1964

Capital|12 million yen